I started parkour when I was in elementary school. I was alway an energetic kid who would be jumping over things and climbing everything in sight, so when I heard of Flying Frog I begged my parents to sign me up. When I started classes I knew this was a sport I could really find myself to continue and to improve upon with. After taking classes for about 3-4 consecutive years I decided to take a break to focus on school. While away I realized not only did I miss the classes and learning new skills, I also missed the friendly and encouraging staff members who always lightened up my day.
Parkour to me is a way to focus, it helps me clear my mind and focus on the task in front of me. It’s also a way to calm down mentally while staying active physically in a fun form. I would say my specialty leans toward vaulting, vaults to me have always been such a cool thing. Being able to smoothly glide over an obstacle (with style) is such a great feeling, and there is almost always room for improvement or changes.
I hope to bring others the same experience of positivity and motivation I got when I was taking classes. I want everyone who comes into the gym to experience the friendly “Hello” from the front desk, the encouraging motivation from the coaches, and finally I hope they get a fun and meaningful experience.
It’s great to see kids having fun playing NERF or just running around the gym, and it’s always cool to see how the parents interact and react to the gym, and some of the things their kids do there. I think being able to provide a spot where kids can have fun and parents can relax but still be involved is great.
I absolutely love taking hikes with my friends, we will often hike to places that have lakes or small ponds to enjoy some fishing. We also spend our time on hikes taking trash bags and picking up any trash we see. I love going to the Armstrong Woods and climbing up the trees and waterfalls.
Flying Frog Academy