707.292.8201 info@flyingfrogfreerunning.com 215 Classic Ct. Rohnert Park, CA
Staff member Arthur
Staff member Arthur, who is also a competitive partner dancer!


Parkour Coach
Quick Facts
  • LIVES IN: North Santa Rosa
  • FAVORITE PIZZA: My favorite pizza is a classic pepperoni pizza.
  • IF YOU COULD BE ANY ANIMAL: I definitely want to be a cat, they’re super agile and of course sleep all day.
Parkour & Movement Background

Before going into parkour, I had done a year or two of gymnastics when I was 10, but I started parkour at the age of 15 and only trained in my backyard until I found out about Flying Frog. It’s coming up on my third year practicing and training parkour. Parkour is a strong passion of mine and goes hand in hand with my general passion of movement. I love parkour, the challenges it presents and the creative ways to solve them.

I also do partner dancing and compete competitively in it. Whenever I have free time I try to do some parkour training or run through dance drills, movement overall is a passion. 


I love seeing my students succeed, and continuing to challenge them to help their progression in parkour. When the kids are done with the day, I hope they feel like they’ve made progress and have gotten closer to a goal, while feeling like there’s always a new challenge to overcome.

I work well with getting an understanding of basic movements and being aware of body positioning within parkour and life. With my background of dance, balance and body positioning transfers smoothly to parkour. 

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Flying Frog Academy